77 with green band. Never thought I could do that many. Might be time to go to blue 🙂 Great morning work out!
Shawn Vinz
225 snatch PP
WOD: 43 with 4 Rds muscle up & 3 Rds of strict PU
Oly Lifting Session
3x Max effort ring dips (red band, one leg)
WOD: 49Rx row
*GREAT job 4:30 class!!! Way to push yourselves out of your “comfort zone” with the pull ups!!!*
Cally Vinz
80# snatch PP
55 (24 blue band, 31 red band for the first time! Thanks Matt!!)
ran 200 instead of 400 trying to condition my feet.
65 rx
Rach H
20min amrap all one armed w/ RIGHT arm only
– 200m ONE arm row
– 15 BD snatches 25#
– 2x -> <- (down &back) walking lunges
– 15 Russain KB swings
4rnds + 20M row (all done w/ full wt vest on for added wt).
Right arm dead after!!
WOD: 78 rx
77 with green band. Never thought I could do that many. Might be time to go to blue 🙂 Great morning work out!
225 snatch PP
WOD: 43 with 4 Rds muscle up & 3 Rds of strict PU
Oly Lifting Session
3x Max effort ring dips (red band, one leg)
WOD: 49Rx row
*GREAT job 4:30 class!!! Way to push yourselves out of your “comfort zone” with the pull ups!!!*
80# snatch PP
55 (24 blue band, 31 red band for the first time! Thanks Matt!!)
ran 200 instead of 400 trying to condition my feet.
65 rx
20min amrap all one armed w/ RIGHT arm only
– 200m ONE arm row
– 15 BD snatches 25#
– 2x -> <- (down &back) walking lunges
– 15 Russain KB swings
4rnds + 20M row (all done w/ full wt vest on for added wt).
Right arm dead after!!
WOD: 34
72, started with red band, switched to blue.
WOD 54, started green band, went to blue band, then to red band……say what? I can use the red band? Thanks for the push, Matt.
WOD: 58- red- yeah!
good job everyone. I’m jealous