Friday 09122014

Good luck to Granite Game Competitors!
Good luck to Granite Game Competitors!


A.) 5×5 Double KB FS

B.) 7 min AMRAP

1 KB F. Squat + 1 KB Push Press

Run to grass and back

2 KB FS + 2 KB PP


3 KB FS + 3 KB PP

And so on…


A.) Front Squat 5×3

gradually add weight – no misses

B.) 7 min AMRAP

1 Front Squat + 1 Shoul-to-OH (135/95)

Run to grass and back

2 FS + 2 STO


3 FS + 3 STO

And so on…


A.) Front Squats 5×3

gradually add weight – no misses

B.) 7 min AMRAP

1 Front Squat + 1 Shoul-to-OH (185/125)

Run to grass and back

2 FS + 2 STO


3 FS + 3 STO

And so on…

C1.) 3×15 GHD’s

C2.) 3×15 Back extensions

-Results to comments!



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5 Responses
  1. Jen

    A. Did the kettle bell front squats at double 35#, and then did 1 round with 5R/5L with the 44# bell.
    B. 7+1 with double white bells (10kg bells)
    Good workout.