-The new CFP location is close to complete which means MORE space is soon to come! With more space, comes the opportunity to begin growing our community once again. We encourage you to begin inviting friends, family and anyone else to join the fun. For those interested, call [ 507-884-9370 ] or email [ [email protected] ] to set-up a free intro session.
-July 13th – Olympic Lifting Seminar starting at 12 pm – 4 pm
-July 20th – CFP will be having another PR Challenge start at 12 pm – 2 pm

A. Snatch Progressions (Ground)
800M Run
and then..
1 – 10 Ladder
Jumping Pull-ups x 2
A. EMOM – 8 Mins
3 x Snatches @ 70%
800M Run
and then…
1 – 10 Ladder
STO @ 135lb/95lb
Pull-ups x 2
Level 2
A. 3 Sets NFT
10 x Muscle-up Progressions
10 x Strict Pull-ups
10 x Dips
Level 1
A. 3 Sets
ME – UB weighted Muscle-ups
800M Run
1 – 10 Ladder
STO @ 205lb/125lb
20 – 2 Ladder Descending
… 1st round, 1 x STO, 20 x Pull-ups, 2nd Round 2 x STO, 18 Pull-ups…..
-Post results under comments
a.) @140….I liked that. The minute went quick!
b.) I think it was 23:14 rx…the STO was good, but the pull ups got rough at the end.
A. 95
B. 8+18 as a 20 min AMRAP
That should be 8+9 as a 20 min AMRAP
A. @95#
B. 17:00 @95#, jumping pull-ups
A. 40 with my awesome partner Sonie!
B. all but 7 pull-ups: 50#/blue
Level 2 but did a few muscle ups mixed with a few progressions.
Wod 6 rounds plus 3 sport
A. @55#
B. @55# finished all of the ladder of STO plus 3 jumping pull ups
Almost had it, but I will next time!
L2: Did most of it. Worked on ring dips.
B. 8+2 sport (20 min cap)
A. @55#
B. 19:20 @ 55# – Progression
A) L1- 7
B) 9+4 STO (20min cap)
A. @35. Thanks Calli & Megan….great partners! And thanks Sara J. for your help!
B. First time EVER running that far! (800 meters)…gasp! 9 rounds @45 (banded pull-ups)
A: 65#
B: 8+ 16 @ 65#
A. 4 rounds at 65#; 4 rounds at 70#
B. 8+25; 95# and banded pull-ups (my kip sucks!)
A. 95 lbs.
B. 8+2 @ 115lbs.
A. 65#
B. 8 + 24 75#, green band.