A. Max Effort Back Squat or Deadlift
B. 5 Rounds of:
3 Min AMRAPs
10 x Swings @ 1.5 pood / 1 pood
10 x Box jumps @ 24inch/20 inch
–Advance athletes – 2 minutes between rounds – American Swings
–Intermediate athletes – 3 minutes between rounds – Russian Swings
-Novice athletes – 3 minutes between rounds – Russian Swings – 3 Rounds
-Post results under comments
Increased DL PR by 5#, 190#
WOD: 3+14; 3+13; 3+11; 3+17; 4+1; using 16inch box/ 1 pood russian
Bench Press: 5@55, 5@75, 3@85, 2@95, 1@105, 1@110, 1@115(5#PR), F@120.
WOD: 4+9, 4+5, 4+9, 4+4, 4+2 (step-ups) 1 pood American with 2 min rest.
Back Squat max 205 lbs. (10 lb PR).
WOD: 3, 3, 3+2, 3, 3+6 with 1.5 pood Russian.
3+17, 3+17, 3+15, 3+7, 3+8
DL : 230#
WOD : 3+10, 3+6, 3+13, 3+13, 4, 1 pood, 20″ box.
BS – 175
WOD: 3+17; 3+18; 3+12; 3+8; 3+12
Woohoo! Kicked my butt today. I’m surprised how much my backsquat max has improved. Been watching the CF games today and am pumped to get back into the gym.
Oly class first: PR’d on snatch 120 (ugly as hell but PR!)
OHS: no PR same as before 150#, couldn’t get set or locked up w/ 155#
wod: 4+1/ 4 / 3+ 13/ 3+10/ 3+13 (amer swings, 1pd w/ 2 min rest between 5 rnds)