A. Cleans (Power or Full) – 5 x 3 w/2 Minute Rest
B1. Bent Rows Reverse Grip – 3 x 10 w/60 Sec Rest
B2. RDL – 3 x 8-10 w/60 Sec Rest
C. EMOM “Every Minute on the Minute” for 10 Minutes
3 x Cleans (Heavy)
8 x American Swings (Heavy)
-Post results under comments
9 rounds @ 135lbs & 2 pood
Light cleans (this movement is still hard on my leg) 85-95-105
Bent row/RDL: 75#
WOD: 10rounds (75# bench press x3, 1.5 pood)
Good WOD but wish I did a little better.
8 full rounds-185# 2 pood
5 rds @155/2pood
Cleans: (mis read this at first did 5×5) 85-95-105-115-120
Bent row/ RDL @ 85
WOD: 9rnds @ 105 clean & 1pd (tried the 1.75pd(??) until I about dropped it on my head, then switched!)
Cleans 55/75/85/90/90
Bent row 55/ RDL 75
WOD 85/1 pood 10 rounds.
Then Oly class 🙂
10 rounds 95# clean, 1.5 pood kb
Cleans still suck, but I’m learning.
10 rounds 95# cleans, 1.5 kb. I should have gone heavier on the cleans.
Good class. 9 rounds
Nice workout. did all 10 rounds not use to doing American swings. Shoulders are sore from this and the one yesterday. but will be back on Friday.