CFP Boot Camp
Our next boot camp starts September 30th and meets M/W/F at 7pm-8pm. For more details and to register follow this link.

A. 10 Min AMRAP
1/1 x TGU
10 x Russian Swings
B. 3 x 800M Runs @ 75%
3 Min Rest between sets
A. 4 Sets
1 x Rope Climb or 2 x Scaled Rope Climbs
Max Effort Hanging L-Sit Hold
Max Effort Handstand Hold
B. 3 x 800M Runs @ 75%
3 Min Rest between sets
A. 30 Min Row for Max Meters
B. Mobility
-Post results under comments
Performance Need to work on my L-sit handstand were good 1st ever rope climb note to self bring long socks next time
ran with my 8lb Hammer with a time of 18:34
30 Min row with Cyndi. 6582m
A. Rope climbs, L-sit hold 20 sec, ME Handstand Hold 1:10 x4
B. 19:31 running sucks. 😉
Ran around the lake at night in the rain after a 20 minute fast paced walk. Wore all black so no one would see me. Felt like a ninja. Followed Cory’s advice and tried to sing the whole time. Also tried to run from toes to heel. Was challenging but felt lighter and more bouncy like when i am sprinting. I wasn’t even that tired after 🙂