The StrongFirst Kettlebell Course is coming to CrossFit Progression April 6th from 9:45am – 5:45pm for a 1 day seminar. No previous Kettlebell training required, this is a great opportunity to learn the fundamentals of strength training through Kettlebells!
Sign up here to register

A. EMOM – 10 Mins
2 – 3 x DB Manmakers
B. Every 2 Minutes for 5 Sets
3-6 x DB PC + Jerk
8 x Box Jumps w/Step down
10 x Push-ups
Performance – Sport
A. EMOM – 10 Mins
3 x TNG Squat Snatches (Build)
B. Every 2 Minutes for 5 Sets
6 x Hang Power Cleans + Jerks @ 115lb/85lb (Sport at 135lb/95lb)
8 x Box Jumps
10 x HR Push-ups
-Post results under comments
Hey that’s me! I made the website! 🙂
A. Done @95lbs
B. Done @ 115lbs
A. 85lbs
B. 95lbs
I didn’t have much rest time between rounds for part B as I’m trying to push the weight a bit in the beginning of the week. Feel good overall.
A. 45#s
B. 55#s
Great workout, working on building back some capacity after a month of vacation. Suzie is such a great partner! Julie had great tips for my snatch.
-Light clean and jerks @ 85 and 105.
-Few sets of 3 TNG clean and jerks @ 85lbs
-Back squats 3 reps with 3 second pause between each 85-85-105-125-145-145-145
-Legless rope climb 🙂 fun!
A. 65-65-75-75-85 (stuck at 85 for the rest of them) Felt heavy and crappy today.
B. Moved slow. Really focused on good push ups. No worming for me today! 🙂
A. 85-85-90-90-95-95-100-100-195-105
B. 95# first 3 rounds I finished with 1:12 left on the clock,. Rounds 4-5 push-ups started to get me and took me about 1:00 min to complete the work.
30 GHD’s/30 weighted GHD’s @ 14# WB
A. Hang squat snatch 65 10 min emom
B. performance wod with step ups and knee push-ups 95lb hang c and j
FIT class. Quad burner??
A. EMOM – 10 Mins
3 x TNG Squat Snatches -45#
B. Every 2 Minutes for 5 Sets
6 x Hang Power Cleans + Jerks @ 55lb
8 x Box Step ups
10 x Push-ups