A1. HSPU – 3 x ME w/60 Sec Rest
A2. Strict Pull-ups any grip – 3 x ME w/60 Sec Rest
B. Pick either
1. 4 x 500M Row – 1:1 – Work:Rest
2. 4 x 400M Run – 1:1 – Work:Rest
C. Mobility
Take 1-2 Thoracic, Upper and Lower extremity mobility drills from this WEBSITE and spend 5 – 10 minutes on them.
-Post results under comments
Alex, you DID add a round!!
5 X 400 run: 1:53; 1:44; 1:46; 1:43; 1:41
Loved it though.
Felt good to be back.
Crossfit endurance(4X800m rest 2:00): 3:36, 3:35, 3:44, 3:44
CFP WOD: 1:23, ? (Jules has some stopwatch issues), 1:31, 1:34, 1:30
HSPU with blue bands-
WOD Ran 5X400M 1:36, 1:37, 1:43, 1:42, 1:38
Oly night! ‘Nuff said.