One of Jen and I’s favorite movies is Meet the Parents. It is a mirror of our life story. All the characters fit perfectly. And when meet the Fockers came out, I was pretty sure Ben Stiller was mocking me. What does that have to do with this post? Not much, but it is about trust, so I immediately thought of that movie. It is Saturday, so give me a little leverage. =-)
At Progression and Regent, we have a pretty good thing going. Good people with common goals, expected behaviors, similar cares.
Trust is essential in a gym setting if you want people to benefit from a new health and fitness routine. New people have to feel safe. Experienced members need to feel valued.
Not only do we start people out with personal training to make sure they are safe for themselves in a group class, but also so they are safe for everyone else. The personal training sessions are also the best way for our coaches to get to know the new member.
Helping new members learn the gym culture is essential for maintaining the trust of the old guard. And knowing how to do things the right way helps new members feel confident entering class.
Bringing in many new people has not been a goal of ours for the past six years. We quickly discovered that it was disruptive to our good thing going. You will not see us doing black Friday membership deals or new years specials for this very reason.
We are looking for 15 people a month who want to start their health and fitness journey with people who care about the journey.
We now have two locations under the Progression Umbrella. If you are looking for a gym that wants to build trust with you, let us know.
Those of you who are the old guard, if you know of anyone who would be a good fit for our circle of trust, let us know!