There are a lot of people who go through life passing up opportunities due to a variety of reasons, including fear of failure. But most people just regret the things they never tried when they look back on their lives. Jandra isn’t one of those people. She sets goals. And she crushes them. All while balancing her work and family life. How she does what she does we’ll never know. We can only hope to catch a little awesome the next time we rub shoulders with her at the gym. Here’s a little insight into Jandra’s life.
Q: What do you do for a living?
A: I am a finance manager at Rochester Toyota.
Q: What’s your favorite thing to do outside of the gym?
A: Spend time with family and friends. Cleaning… my family & friends say I’m a neat freak!
Q: Favorite genre of music?
A: Rock of Ages & Country
Q: Favorite cheat meal?
A: I LOVE DORITOS. All flavors.
Q: Chalk, or no chalk?
A: Chalk.
Q: Do you hate wall balls as much as we do?
A: I actually like wall balls.
Q: What’s your favorite movement?
A: Deadlifts, wall balls, and kettle bells.
Q: What’s your least favorite movement?
A: Running and snatches.
Q: What goal(s) are you currently chasing?
A: Un-banded pull-ups, double unders, and to lose another 26 pounds, (totaling 106 pounds).
You read that right. Jandra has lost over 90 pounds. Seventy. Pounds. Next time you see her a high five is in order.
Q: Best piece of advice you’ve gotten from a coach?
A: It’s your workout. You get out of it what you put into it.
Q: Why do you make time to get to the gym?
A: It makes me happy to workout and I love the feeling of accomplishment.
Q: How has your outlook on fitness changed since starting CrossFit?
A: Now I believe that anything is possible when you put your mind to it.
Q: How has your outlook on yourself changed since starting CrossFit?
A: I believe self-discipline is key to being successful in anything you do in life.
Q: How would you explain the feeling before you get to the gym each day?
A: Well, I work out at 5 am usually 4-5 days a week so… I’m tired.
Q: How would you explain the feeling you get after you leave the gym each day?
A: I feel ENERGIZED for the day.
Q: How has your life outside of CrossFit changed since joining CFP?
A: I’m a stronger person inside and out. I’m very active outside the gym and like anything to do with sports; from hockey, to golf, softball, and rollerblading.
Q: What has been your fondest memory during your time at CFP?
A: Losing 70 pounds and the support I get everyday I walk through the doors from Coaches and members.
Q: What brought you to CFP?
A: I would have to say my 5 am class. We kick each other’s butt’s everyday.
Q: What keeps you at CFP?
A: The great community. The warm welcoming you get from the Coaches and other members.
Q: What would be your one piece of advice for someone who’s just joining CFP?
A: Nothing is easy in life. You can’t give up when things get hard. You need to push yourself everyday to become a better person.

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