NO Classes today. WLC Work-out only. 7:30am-10:30am– Good luck to the Cloudy town Competition Team!
From the WholelifeChallenge.com Blog:
The Whole Life Challenge is a tool. A lot like a hammer. When there is a nail to be driven, you grab your hammer and hit the nail — you don’t hit yourself in the head with the hammer! You USE the hammer for the job it’s designed to do.
Right now things are the way they are for you. Not bad, but maybe there are some things you are tired of feeling, doing or saying to yourself. That is your nail. The Whole Life Challenge is your hammer.
My question to you is, are you going to use the Challenge or be used by it?
If you are going to play this game as training for your life after the challenge is over, you are using the challenge.
If you are going to play it only to win, you are going to be used by it.
If you are going to embrace the ups and downs as opportunities to learn how to make things work, you are using the challenge.
If you are going to fight against the rules like they are standing in the way of your points, you are going to be used by it.
If you are going to make choices as a way to see how a long term commitment to health works in your whole life you are using the challenge.
If you are going to try to be perfect for 8 weeks in spite of nothing else working for you, you are going to be used by it.
This is not 8 weeks. This is your life. If you want to win, great. But look to see what real winning looks like for you before this starts. Does it look like 8 punishing weeks and “business as usual” after September 15th or does it look like building a sustainable practice of health where you are 100% in charge of your results?
Yes, the Whole Life Challenge “winners” get prizes. But everyone who takes this challenge on 100% will walk away with something far more powerful than any external reward.
You walk away with freedom. You walk away with choice. You walk away with your whole life.
9 min AMRAP
7 kettlebell Swings
7 Burpees
50m shuttle run.
Score is reps of Swings and Burpess
9/15 5K run 27:28 easy pace
9/16 5 rounds:
10 body weight deadlifts (170lbs)
10 toes to bars
9:18 completely forgot how to T2Bs after round 1
Helped plant 6 trees. Haul 40 40# bags of dirt, and 10 bags of mulch!!!