A. Take 15-20 minutes to practice any pull-up variation (Strict, Bar Muscle-ups, Kipping, Butterfly)
B1. Bulgarian Split Squats – 3 x 8 (R/L) w/30 Sec Rest
B2. GHD Sit-ups – 3 x 10-15 w/30 Sec Rest
B3. Weighted Pull-ups (any grip) – 3 x 10 w/30 Sec Rest
B4. HSPU – 3 x ME (Strict or kipping) w/30 Sec Rest
C. Recovery WOD
5 x 4 Min Rows @ 75% w/2 Min Rest
-Post results under comments
Row and mobility.
Matt lovingly gave us the option to do yesterday’s WOD. It was a good one!
I started at 85# for the first couple rounds, then at 90# for the rest. A great challenge! Awesome coaching and support as always.
5k recovery row
100 abmat sit-ups
I also took the option of doing yesterday’s WOD.
I started at 45# and then increased to 55#, I only did 5 burpees for each set. Total time of 21:10
First handstand pushup tonight ( kipping).
Kb class