A. CrossFit Open WOD 12.5
Complete AMRAP for 7 minutes of the following rep scheme:
3 x Thrusters
3 x Chest to Bar Pull-ups
6 x Thrusters
6 x Chest to Bar Pull-ups
9 x Thrusters
9 x Chest to Bar Pull-ups
12 x Thrusters
12 x Chest to Bar Pull-ups
15 x Thrusters
15 x Chest to Bar Pull-ups
18 x Thrusters
18 x Chest to Bar Pull-ups
21 x Thrusters
21 x Chest to Bar Pull-ups
Mens Rx – 100lb, Womens Rx – 65lb, Mens Master 90lb, Womens Master 55lb
-Post results under comments
70reps scaled down to 65 and jumping pu’s
65 reps
79 reps
55 lb thrusters and pull ups with a black band
28 rx. Glad I signed up for the open now. Had no intentions of doing so until Alex encouraged me. I can now say I’ve some unders & chest to bar pull-ups.
double unders
couldn’t get the pullups RX but I tried for 6 1/2 minutes!!
90 – scaled
45# thursters
Blue band kipping pull ups
106?… terrible WOD
Modified open WOD: 156 reps
35lb kettle bells each hand (strict push press) and chest to bar pull ups
70 reps, scaled 65lb and blue band pull-ups.
3 Thrusters RX
3 band pull-ups
6 Thrusters RX
6 band pull-ups
continued with 55# thrusters
Total 73