21 Questions With Mandy Oeltjen

Losing weight & gaining confidence has meant a lot to this self-proclaimed, “mama-bear”. But the friendships and support she’s received have made all the difference. And her healthy recipe she’s sharing with you will change your life forever. Ladies & gentlemen, I give you Mandy Oeltjen.

Mandy Oeltjen 1

J: What do you do for a living?

M: I’m an administrative assistant for an engineering firm.

J: Where are you from? Where did you grow up?

M: I am originally from Southern California, but moved to Colorado right before High School and consider that home since my family is still there.

J: What brought you to CrossFit Progression? How did you find us?

M: A co-worker told me about it. She said how much she loved it.

J: What’s your favorite thing to do outside of the gym?

M: Spend time with my husband & kids. We like to do all sorts of things together.

J: We have Hip Hop Friday, but do we need to talk about an entire day at the gym devoted to Country music?

M: I love Country music so I would say, Yes!

J: Favorite cheat meal?

M: My husband’s special spaghetti.

J: What’s your favorite healthy recipe?

M: Paleomg’s Sweet Potato Brownies.


Photo Credit: Paleomg.com
Photo Credit: Paleomg.com

J: Would you rather: Clean & Jerk or Overhead Squat?

M: Clean & Jerk (I haven’t actually done either so I googled it, ha!)

J: Would you rather: Leopard Crawl or Mountain Climbers?

M: OH man that is hard; they both are terrible but if I have to pick one it would be the Leopard Crawl.

J: What’s your least favorite movement?

M: Burpees for sure!

J: What’s your perfect WOD?

M: Any type of strength training. I like working with weights.

J: What goal(s) are you currently chasing?

M: To keep working out. This is the longest I have gone with keeping a routine.

J: What’s one thing that your fellow CFP members would be surprised to know about you?

M: I have lived in 25+ different houses/apartments, in 5 different states, and 1 country in my lifetime. The home I live in now has been the longest, which is 10 years.

J: What’s the hardest part of CrossFit?

M: Because of my size it can be very exhausting during the workout.

J: What’s the best thing you’ve gotten out of your time at CFP?

M: Because of my size I am very self-conscious. No one judges you there. I am accepted. That is a great feeling.

J: Favorite piece of advice you’ve gotten from a coach at CFP?

M: I received a lot of great advice; however, just knowing that I had someone on my side fighting for me to get through a workout or even just a certain movement was incredible.

J: What’s your spirit animal? 😉

M: Bear. I am very protective of my kids.

J: How has your outlook on yourself changed since joining CrossFit Progression?

M: I have gained confidence that I didn’t know existed. I still can’t believe I am doing CrossFit!

J: What has been your fondest memory during your time at CFP?

M: The friendships I have made. They will be forever.

J: How is your experience at CFP different from what you’ve done previously?

M: I’m actually sticking with it. It’s fun and inviting. You keep wanting to come back even though it’s hard!

J: What would be your one piece of advice for someone who’s just joining CrossFit Progression?

Look at me; I’m a large woman and I’m doing it. I am proof that anyone can do this!