21 Questions With… Anna Dahlin

Anna is the type of person who wins quietly.  She crushes goals and gets her work in everyday without any need for special attention.  And she runs races in pig costumes.  So there’s that.  There is so much good in this read; just take a moment and soak in all the fitness wisdom that is Anna Dahlin.

Anna Dahlin CrossFit Progression Rochester Minnesota

J: What do you do for a living?

A: I work in the Finance department at Mayo

J: Where are you from? Where did you grow up?

A: I grew up in Apple Valley, MN, a suburb of the Twin Cities. As an adult I lived in Chicago and then Minneapolis until I moved to Rochester 2 years ago.

J: What brought you to CrossFit Progression/How did you find us?

A: When I moved to Rochester I was looking for a gym to join. My friend Kristy Schouviller (former CFP member) had been doing Crossfit for about a year and she had so many great things to say about it and she looked fantastic so I decided to check it out. I’d heard it was pretty intense and I was looking for something to push me.

J: What’s your favorite thing to do outside of the gym?

A: I love being outside and being active. I grew up swimming competitively which led into doing triathalons as an adult. I also like to ski (downhill and cross country). I’ve started to really like to cook in the last few years, but I’m not sure I’m very good at it. I also really really like hanging out with my dog.

J: We have Hip Hop Friday, but do we need to talk about an entire day at the gym devoted to Country music?

A: NO. I do like some country but not to work out to. I actually prefer really loud techno/house music for working out but I don’t think a lot of people at CFP share that opinion. I’m always down for some bad 80’s rock too.

J: Favorite cheat meal?

A: Pineapple and Canadian Bacon Pizza, buffalo wings and Beer

J: What’s your favorite healthy recipe? 

A: Sweet Potato Buffalo Chicken Casserole. (recipe)


J: Would you rather: Clean & Jerk or Overhead Squat?

A: Overhead Squats are my jam.

J: Would you rather: Leopard Crawl or Mountain Climbers?

A: Mountain Climbers

J: What’s your least favorite movement?

A: Strict pull ups and double unders

J: What’s your perfect WOD?

A: I like the long chippers, maybe with some box jumps, running and power snatches. I’m not very fast but I have good endurance from all the years of swimming and running for the long ones.

J: What goal(s) are you currently chasing?

A: Strict pull ups and stringing more kipping pull ups together. I can do about 5 when I’m fresh but as soon as I’m fatigued I’m lucky to get two. I need to get better at double unders, but ugh. I’d also like to look like Katrin Davidsdottir.  😉

J: What’s one thing that your fellow CFP members would be surprised to know about you?

A: I was a vegetarian for 14 years. Now I basically live for bacon and cheeseburgers.

J: What’s the hardest part of CrossFit?

A: Patience. I want to be good at everything right away, and most of it takes a lot of time, work and consistency.

J: What’s the best thing you’ve gotten out of your time at CFP?

A: CFP really helped me feel more at home in Rochester. When I moved here I didn’t know anyone outside of my boyfriend’s family and friends. I’ve met a lot of great people at CFP.

J: Favorite piece of advice you’ve gotten from a coach at CFP?

A: The other day I was struggling and feeling pretty beat up, tired and sore after a long week of workouts and Sarah said to just use the workout for whatever I needed it for-you don’t always have to go all out. I really like to push myself but you also have to listen to your body.

J: Why do you make time to get to the gym?

A: If I go more than a couple of days without working out I feel depressed, anxious and moody.   It keeps me grounded and happy.

J: How has your outlook on yourself changed since joining CrossFit Progression?

A: CrossFit helps me remember that fitness isn’t always about how you look, it’s also about how you feel.

J: What has been your fondest memory during your time at CrossFit Progression?

A: Winning the softball championship and the CFP softball team in general.

J: How is your experience at CFP different from what you’ve done previously?

A: As an adult, most of my working out had been individual-running, biking, and swimming. Although I still like to do that, working out with a group of awesome people makes it a lot more fun.

J: What would be your one piece of advice for someone who’s just joining CrossFit Progression?

A: Be consistent, show up and work hard.

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