BEAR Spartan SGX at Progression.
Obstacle course racing(OCR) has become increasingly popular in the last few years. It requires minimal equipment to participate in and leaves its participants feeling accomplished and strong. Completing a course requires strength as well as endurance. Many of us are better at one then the other. Our classes at Progression are perfect for OCR training. We also have a specialty class for OCR. BEAR Spartan SGX.

There are many different kinds of OCR races. Most of them are true challenges of fitness. Some focus more on fun. Spartan races and Tough Mudder are the most well known and some of the most difficult. These races are not to be taken lightly. Preparation is key to success and even finishing.
You will find OCR racing extremely rewarding in many ways. A sense of accomplishment, Comradely with your fellow participants, and proof that you are able to do something that perhaps you thought you could not. After your first race many times you will want to do it again as soon as possible. This is why OCR is growing so fast. It makes you feel great.
OCR requires: strength and endurance. If you can work on the combination of both, you’ll no doubt set yourself up for success when you toe the starting line. Here are the key components of OCR training:
1) Run. The better you are at it the better you will do.
2) Strength. Both physically and mentally. The stronger the better.
3) Grip Strength. With out this you will be frustrated by a large amount of obstacles. There is no chalk on the course. Your hands will also be wet, muddy, and sweaty.

With the above components in mind we want to make sure to work on all three of the things mentioned above. Here is an example of weekly breakdown of workouts.
M- Progression Class
T- Run (Easy Pace)
W- Progression Class
R- Grip specific work out.
F- Progression Class
S- Run (interval/Hills)
S- BEAR OCR or other conditioning/OCR specific training
This is a pretty aggressive week. Depending on how fit you are when starting you may need to adjust this schedule. A Spartan SGX coach can help you plan an appropriate plan. The most important thing is focusing on your weakness. If you can run all day. lets focus on strength, if you are strong as an ox, lets focus on running.
OCR’s are great events to keep you motivated over the summer and into the fall. Having a race on your calendar can keep you active. Contact us if you would like to get after it this summer!