
JAN. 30th – CFP Post Holiday Party / Member Appreciation Start time: 6pm End time: 9pm – ish Food: POT LUCK!!!! Thanks for being awesome CFP Community! Let’s celebrate you and our community! It’s our annual Holiday Party; this years theme is Thrift Shop! This means wear old cloths from different eras that don’t necessarily go together! What am I talking about? Just wear anything! Mix match, maybe have an “era” themed out fit. Don’t spend lots of money on it, and if possible try to pick out old clothes from your own wardrobe. An example Thrift Shop outfit….. Zubas 90’s blazer / smoking jacket 95 University of Michigan sweatshirt 94 Calvin Klein button up (under sweatshirt) Bolo Tie cowboy boots Or……… Just watch Macklemore’s Music Video – Thrift shop The plan is at the end of the night to donate clothes (not required). Its time to break out that...
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Jenna’s a recent transplant to Rochester and CFP but she’s caught on beautifully and gives a killer chili recipe! What do you do for a living? I am a Civil Engineer for Short Elliott Hendrickson. Where are you from?  Where did you grow up? I grew up in Mankato, MN.  Since college I have lived in Faribault, MN; Iowa City, IA; Austin, MN; and moved to Rochester this past July. What brought you to CrossFit Progression? Krista Blessing brought me here. What’s your favorite thing to do outside of the gym? The little things that put a smile on my children’s faces, (reading a story with different voices, coloring a picture with them, dance parties, etc). We have Hip Hop Friday, but do we need to talk about an entire day at the gym devoted to Country music? Maybe country/pop, pure country might be difficult to work out to. Favorite cheat...
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