
REV OLYMPICS!! WHAT’S THAT???   Here’s the Who, What, When, Where & How.    Who:   Everyone is invited to participate!           Teams of 4.           No gender requirements.             Non-CFP members welcome to join your team.   What:  1 Afternoon. 3 Events. Tons of Fun!!  + Cookout Afterparty!!   When: Saturday, July 20th 12:00 to 3:00 for Events.  Cookout after.   Where: Progression Fitness   How: To Register Follow this LINK.   GET YOUR TEAMS TOGETHER! Event registration is open.  Cost is $40/Athlete. Registration includes: Event T-shirt 6 Training workouts written by Coach Beth to help you prepare for the event A great time at the event! Trophies for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams Burgers made for you after the event Unlimited Glory 🙂   If you want to participate and you would like to be placed on a team contact Coach Beth. [email protected]   All of this is made possible by...
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Why are we doing this anyway? The most basic and blunt answer to this question is so we can do what we want. Plain and simple. There will come a point in your life when you are limited in what you can do physically. Your aim should be to push that point as far down the timeline as you can. The situations vary. It is not just an enjoyable vacation that we are working towards. It is living a satisfying life. It is also a very basic things that people are losing their abilities to do far too early. One of the most jarring stories I have heard was told by Jason Khalipa. He told the story of his mom. While watching his daughter, she started to run from the yard toward the street. His mom was not fit enough to stop her. For his mom, this was the moment...
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