
Full disclosure: it’s hard to put Rachel into words but if one had to, the words that come to mind are bright, nurturing, and well.  Rachel has a wealth of knowledge and insight and she’s dishing out some surprises in this one… so read on to get to know Rachel Gustine a bit better. What do you do for a living? I’m the luckiest girl in the world, my boyfriend is my “boss” and every day we get to work together serving amazing patients at our chiropractic office here in Rochester.  (Empowered Family Chiropractic).  He specializes in pediatrics so we see lots of families and kids as well as a large amount of crossfitters in the office. What’s your favorite thing to do outside of the gym? Any time outside of the gym or our office I like to be outdoors. Fly-fishing, kayaking, hiking, trail running, gardening anything to get outside!...
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Millie looks sweet but don’t underestimate this one!  She’s got grit and she knows how to use it! 😉 Read on to get to know more about the awesome Millie Suk.   What do you do for a living? I am a Health Policy Director for a national medical society – American Association of Neuromuscular & Electrodiagnostic Medicine. What’s your favorite thing to do outside of the gym? Hiking, going for walks… pretty much anything that involves being outdoors. What made you decide to try CrossFit? I was always involved in sports as a kid and played soccer through college.  I got into marathons after college but after a knee injury and a few surgeries, I realized my body just couldn’t handle the mileage anymore.  I needed a new outlet and decided to give CrossFit a shot. How long have you been at Progression? It will be 2 years in...
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No Classes Saturday!  Turkey Throwdown!
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