-Memorial Day Murph is happening next week on the 27th. There will only be 1 class at 10am followed by a cookout for all CFP members and family. Donations for the Wounded Warrior Project will be accepted to help our wounded service men and women, to learn more about the WWP follow this link.

A. Split Jerk Practice
B. 4 Rounds AFAP
10 x Russian Swings
15 x Push-ups
20 x Burpees
25 x Sit-ups
A. Split Jerks – 5 x 1
B. 4 Rounds AFAP
5 x Power Snatches @ 115lb/85lb
10 x HR Push-ups
15 x T2B
20 x Bar over Burpees
A. HS Walks – 3 x 20 ft
B. 4 Rounds AFAP
5 x Power Snatches @ 135lb/95lb
10 x HSPU
15 x T2B
20 x Box Jump Overs @ 24inch/20inch
-Post results under comments
Split jerks – 35, 55, 55, 65, 75
Fitness 17:03
A. 115-135-145-150-155. 15# PR
B. 15:44 Rx
A: 105, 115, 125, 135, 145
B: 17:09 rx
shoulder kinda pinchy… didn’t push it.
4x 20 ft HS walk
Sport 17:59
A. 115-165-185-195-195
B. 17:00 @85#, jumping K2E
One of those “just keep going” WODs