- Registrations for the Whole Life Challenge is live! This will be an EPIC challenge that will guarantee amazing results! Starts Feb 16th and will run for 8 weeks, you don’t want to miss out on this opportunity! Follow this Link to register, Non CFP members are welcome to this challenge as well!
- CFP is proud to host the level 1 Pendlay Weight Lifting seminar by MuscledriverUSA on February 9th. Glenn Pendlay is one of the top Olympic Lifting Coaches in the US, coaching some of the top lifters in the country. This is a 1 day hands on seminar, the registration fee is 200 dollars. Limited to the first 30 participants, follow this Link to register. There are only 9 spots left!
- The Super Friends Throwdown is on February 23rd starting at 9 am. Teams of 4 battling it out through 5 plus events guarantees that this is going to be fun and crazy Throwdown. Teams must register before January 28th to get a t-shirt for the event. Limited to 12 teams, follow this link to register.

Deload Week
-Do not add additional work to this week. This week is programmed for everyone to both mentally and physically recover from the high volume and restoration of the body and mind. Add additional time to mobility and recovery, take control of your diet, and get some rest!
Fitness – Performance – Sport
A. 8 Min AMRAP – Skill/Snatch Complex
@ 45lb/35lb
Hang Power Snatch (Position 1)
Overhead Squat
Snatch Balance (Heaving)
Hang Squat Snatch (Position 2)
B. 8 Min AMRAP – Skill/Snatch Complex
@ 45lb/35lb – Fitness
@ 65lb/45lb – Performance
@ 95lb/65lb – Sport
Hang Snatch (Position 1)
Hang Snatch (Position 2)
Snatch (Position 3)
**Absolutely perfect technique – DO NOT INCREASE WEIGHT!
C. 8 Min AMRAP
Ladder – 5/10 – 10/20 – 15/30 – 20/40 – 25/50 – 30/60 ….
Double-unders (2:1 Singles:Doubles)
Optional Accessory
A1. Reverse Hyper – 3 x 20 (Light) w/30 Sec Rest
A2. GHD Sit-ups – 3 x 20 w/30 Sec Rest
A3. Banded Pull-aparts – 3 x ME w/30 Sec Rest
-Post results under comments
A. Done
B. Done
C. Done, 4 rounds (about 1/2 were double unders).
Good Monday workout Matt. Felt good to work on form with lighter weights….repetition is a good thing! Thanks,.
your welcome!
C: 3 plus 12……..HATE BURPEES 🙂
Really liked today’s workout. It felt great to use light weights and really drill form. My conditioning on the other hand…..haha
4+22 singles
A. Done
B. Done
C. 5+19 ( burpees, kbs @ 1 pood)
Optional accessory work: Done
C. 4 + 15
Good workout and really like the snatching time. Jeremy did a good job emphasizing to use light weight so technique would be the sole focus.
🙂 – Jeremy is a great coach.
A: done
B: done
C: 4+ 64 rx’d
3×10 GHD & reverse hypers (head can’t handle up/down being sick!)
Wasn’t feeling super energized today but I made it through
A. done
B. done
C. 4 + 12
Good to work on technique. I definitely need more of that.
A) done
B) done
C) 4 +72
Felt good to work on form…
A. done
B. done
C. 4 + 1 singles
Don’t have double unders yet. I can do one at a time but cannot string them together. I bought a rope and I will be making time to practice daily and watch some YouTube videos to see if I can get the hang of it.
A. Done
B. Done
C. 4+15…..still not very efficient with my double unders, but getting better.
Optional work done.
Good snatch complex, helping get me back into oly.
A&B – Great to work on form
C – 5 + 10 burpees
C. 4+38 singles
A) Done. B) Done. C) 4 + 15. I liked the snatch practice!! Burpees, not so much…
4+ 20 ( first time doing burpees in 3 months- they’re not amore fun now!)
Good work on snatch form
Loved the light snatch form focus. Felt great to actually feel improvement all the way through.
4 rounds plus 20 additional burpees on the main WOD. Yeah burpees!! =-/
C) 5+29
Optional Acc-Done
Liked the focus of today!
A. Done
B. Done
C. 4+25
Great work out, left the gym drenched in sweat! I appreciated the Oly form work, as I am still trying to master the movements. Great coaching! With all the help, I’ll get it soon!
4 rounds +2
Loved the snatch work…hated the burpee, jumprope combo.
That’s all you had to say Jenn F
🙂 liked working on technique. Shawn is also a great coach…and helpful suggestions that I’ve heard before from all the coaches. Not my favorite lift. Just waiting for it all to come together.
You’re the best!
A) complete
B) complete
I appreciated the snatches being broken apart. This was a nice opportunity to focus on each position
WOD: 5 (singles)
***deload week coincides w/my taper week. Good to be around CFP coaches & members tonight
C- 4 + 35
WOD reminded me of how much I dislike burpees
A. Done
B. Done
C. 3+15 with the DU’s…really lost it on the burpees….looking forward to conditioning improving so they don’t kill me!
Great workout as I need so much work on the snatch. Starting to feel better each time.
A. Complete
B. Complete 95lb
C. 5+17
A. Done @35
B. done @ 55
Wod: 5+3
4 + 15. Did double unders until the last 10-15 or so.
4+29. Felt good to work on the snatch. I still need a lot of practice. I only “hit” it about 1/4 of the time. Would like to reverse that.
A. Done
B. Done
C. 5+17
A: done
B: done
C: 4 + 25, with singles
Struggled with double unders because of my usual reasons and I kept tripping up and got frustrated. Had a bad attitude. I like Burpees. Somebody gave me good advice, I think Shawn…about jumping higher, keeping more relaxed and not punching the ground so hard when I come down.