A. EMOM – 10 Mins
Even – 10 x Russian Swings
Odd – 20 Sec Side Plank (Palms) – both sides
B. Complete AFAP
30 – 20 – 10
A. EMOM – 10 Mins
Even – 3 x Power Snatches
Odd – 3 x Push Presses
Weights should be the same weight for the snatch and push presses
30 – 20 – 10
American Swings @ 1.5 pood/1 pood
Double-unders (3:1 singles to doubles)
A. EMOM – 10 Mins
5 x TNG Squat Snatches @ 135lb/95lb
10 x C2B Pull-ups
5 – 3 – 1
Power Snatch @ 195lb/125lb
30 – 20 – 10
Wallballs @ 20lb/14lb
90 – 60 – 30
First round is: 5 x PS, 30 x WB, 90 x DU..
Games Track 2014
A. 12 Min AMRAP
10 x Calorie Airdyne
20 x Ball slams @ 20lb/15lb
50 x Alternating Dumbbell Snatches @ 55lb/35lb
-Post results under comments
A. Snatches and Push Press @ 85lbs….. Snatches felt weak… Push Presses felt great
B. 10:29
Mostly T2B
Am Swings @ 1pood
All DUs
This was a crappy WOD for me.. Just felt slow this morning.. Even had to pause during my swings… Hopefully the rest of the week goes better!
A. Snatches and Push Press @ 85lbs
B. 10:16
I FINALLY GOT DUB’S!!! Thanks Carrie for the advice to jump slower! If it wasn’t for your advice I would still be trying to figure them out!
A. Snatches and Push Press @ 55#
B. 6:58
Situps, Russian swings @ 1 pood, single unders.. new goal is to learn DUs
A. Done-ish. Started how it said to but by the 2:00 mark I was already behind. So it ended up being more like 5 squats snatches odd minute, 10 c2b even.
B. 10:56 double unders got the best of me again.
A. 7+22
B. Done forgot it was AFAP but timed it for some reason. 3:40
A. 95
B. 8:43 Performance Rx
1.5 pood kb swings and side planks
40, 30, 20 Push ups, Sit ups, Squats
Scaled up upon recommendation of my coach. My goal/plan over the course of the next 8 weeks during the WLC is to stick with the fitness programing- with some scaling up.
After the WLC- bring on the lifts 🙂
A: Performance @ 55#
B: Performance @ 8:44
30 leg raises- 20/10 sit ups
30/20/10 kb swings with white kb
60/40/20 (2:1) singles
A. Power snatch and push press at 115#
B. 10:50ish, this workout was a battle to get through. Must have been a Monday thing. Finished, and didn’t even look at the clock untill after about 30 or 40 seconds.
A. 85#
B. 10:16
I finally got DUB’S!! Thank you Carrie for the advice to slow my jumps down and it was like magic, it just clicked for me then! So excited!!
A. Performance: PS: 3 rounds@35; 2 rounds @45. PP: all 5 rounds @55
B. Fitness: 7:43
PT – got to run on the treadmill today and am now allowed to run every other day for up to 30 min!
I was so happy I did the fitness WOD afterwards…
B. 6:42
A. 75#
B. 7:17 sit ups, 1 pood, 3:1 singles
A: @115 except last round, @135
B: 7:25
A. @55
B. 9:41 (KTB, American swings, DUs)
Struggled with DUs but got them all. Need more practice
A. Done, skipped a couple rounds of C2B because hands felt like they were starting to tear.
B. 16:25 Rx sport. I could not hit my first set of snatches. It was a mental struggle for me today, but I finished!
GT: 12 min WOD (did with Susan, one biked, one slammed and then we switched)
100 GHD’s
A. Staci and i soon figured out that it is impossible to do both movements in a minute so it was alternating. Missed a few reps on a couple rounds. This was tiring.
B performance wod but forgot to look at the clock so now i have no idea. Kind of slacked during the wod. Could have pushed harder. Felt guilty i didnt do the sport wod. Staci did a great job!
Air dyne with throwdowns done. No dumbbell snatches. I have a lil rip so i thought i would save the hands for tomorrow.
A. 55#
B. 8:40 Performance, sit ups, American swings, and singles.
B. Fitness 10min 44sec.
A. 55 lbs, trying to preserve my knees
B. 7:45 Knees to elbows sort of; I was working on control. Did Russian swings; Never tried American so I thought I shouldn’t try during a WOD.
Fitness – 1.5 pood/side planks, wod: 5:13
A. Done 35# first snatch since back from a back injury. Felt great, but more focused on form/technique.
B. 9:45 did laying T2B, 1 pood Russian swings and 3:1 singles