1. In general, what is your background.
I am originally from KY – Go Wildcats! I attended Apollo High School where I graduated & also attended the local business college and received a certificate of completion. Upon graduation, I packed my bags and moved to CA! Received an education in the “school of hard knocks and a little thing called life”. I had the pleasure of working for a wonderful family in the newspaper publishing business in the Carmel/Pacific Grove area. They were close friends with Clint Eastwood (whom I’ve met quite a few times). While there, I met my husband (Jason) who was serving in the Army at the time & met through mutual friends & he talked me into moving to his little hometown of Pine Island, MN after his service had ended. Yes, I have forgiven him
2. Age, occupation
After 18 years as a Senior Advertising Sales Representative with the Post-Bulletin, I have joined Edina Realty as their Office Administrator and have been in my current position for 4 months.
3. How did you get to know about CrossFit, how did you start?
Jason joined CFP a year and a half before I started. Our family often teased him as he would constantly be watching videos or talking about CrossFit. I had been a member of another facility that offered a 10 week course and a membership beyond that & it was great for a while but it had grown too repetitive for me. I needed something different. Jason suggested that I try CrossFit. I enrolled in one of the beginner classes at CFP & Alex was my Coach. He welcomed me and made me feel comfortable from day one. He was instructive, patient (more hips, Angela!) and encouraging (“you CAN do this– it’s mind over matter” or “if running just sucks, then yes, you’re running”). I had initially questioned if CFP was for me but each time I came, I found myself wanting to do better. I still remember my first WOD with the “big kid class” (we had graduated from the back room) & the last part of the WOD included wall balls & everyone was done but me & they were cheering me on & I was shaking so hard & seriously on the verge of crying. Shanna was right next to me, telling me that I could do this! I had pushed myself that hard, harder than I thought possible at that point and I know I would have just given up if the others hadn’t pushed me to finish. That was a defining moment for me in that I knew how out of shape I truly was and that I had to change that.
4. How has CrossFit changed your life, life style, level of fitness
It has changed our life for the better. Jason & I have made a pact that we will NEVER go back to our old lifestyle. We attend the 5:30 a.m. class because we know if we don’t, we will have excuses or life will get in the way. CrossFit has not only made me physically stronger but mentally stronger. I often say, if I finished that WOD, I can get through anything & I do. Our relationship has grown because of CrossFit as well.
We are each other’s cheerleader. We’ve completed races, obstacles, things we would never have even attempted prior to CFP. We encourage one another but we are also competitive with one another. I have managed to finish a few WOD’s now seconds earlier than Jason (sorry, babe, had to throw that in) and seconds count in CrossFit! It’s just made us push ourselves to be the very best that we can be and not give up both at the box and in life. We joined the CrossFit family to stay in shape and have energy to keep up with our now active lifestyle…to be able to walk (okay, run) up a flight of stairs and not be out of breath, to run a 5k for fun or to do whatever we set our minds out to do!
5. Name one goal or personal record you would like to accomplish through CrossFit
I just celebrated my 1 year anniversary at CFP & I celebrated by running a half marathon which was on my bucket list! Before CrossFit, this was only something that I would someday hope to do. Josh was instrumental in my achieving this goal. I shared with Josh that I wanted to keep CrossFit in my training and he did an awesome job including both CF & a running program over a 3 month period he designed for me. He asked me if I had a goal in mind in which to finish the race and initially I told him that I wanted to finish before they started tearing down the finish line. As I started training, I realized that I needed to be true to myself and my ability & push myself (something I learned at CFP) & set forth a realistic goal to finish. Did I finish first? Of course not, not even close but I can tell you that I was no-where near the time in which they were tearing down. I finished in 2 hours 26 min. I was on my way home with some very sore legs and a big smile on my face before they even thought about tearing down
6. Favorite CrossFit moment?
My first RX WOD. It wasn’t that long ago but I was so excited!
7. What do you like most about CrossFit CFP
The daily challenges that it brings and knowing that I have the coaching and support to get through those challenges!
8. Favorite WOD
I enjoy the partner and/or team WOD’s
9. Favorite movement
Cleans and/or push press
10. Least favorite movement
11. Favorite food ?
Close your eyes Paleo/Whole Life Challenge friends…My mom’s southern fried chicken. It’s a good thing she lives in KY.
Wednesday 10172012
A. 3 Rounds AFAP
12 x Deadlifts @ 225lb/135lb (315lb/225lb)
24 x Bar Facing Burpees
B. 1000M Row or 800M Run @ 65%-70% Pace
C. Russian Twists – 3 x 20
-Post results under comments
8:47 @185 struggle more on the bar facing burpees than i expected
7:39 Rx.
9:45 Modified WOD: 75# lifts and 15 burpees
6:57 modified of course 🙁
3 rnds AFAP
12 KB DL @ 2pd (right only)
24 squat jumps w/ 10# WB
WOD: 6:33 @ 155#
1000m row
5 min of Russian Twists/Hollow Rocks
morning strength and conditioning
Love the member profiles, so encouraging!
WOD at 9:39 w/ 125# brutal combination. I like the offer to stay and work on things even though we were over our time.
Great Profile!
WOD @ 9:00 RX
This is one of those combos I remember from several weeks ago. Fun, but very challenging workout.
8:37 I think….. @ 85#
WOD 6:56. @95lb was easy, need to do more weight.
Ran 800 mm
Liking the added AB work too.
09:13 @ 185lb
10 something!!!! This workout sucked, god im old and out of shape
9:04 at 115#
Nice work Angela!!
10:40 (I am guessing, I didn’t actually look at the clock) at 75#…probably could have gone higher on the weight, but the burpees kicked my ass.