Rev Olympics Workout 1 Announcement!

Rev Olympics Workout 1 Announcement!    Sign-Up Today!  

But first, our spotlight sponsor this week is Alex Lair and Echelon Wealth Partners.  

Here is a word from Alex.

Our mission at Echelon Wealth Partners is to bring a profound impact to the lives of our clients, team members and the community. We do this through our values; trust, integrity and excellence. We provide advice around retirement planning strategies, investment management, small business retirement plans, tax planning strategies, insurance planning, charitable giving, and estate planning strategies.

Not 100% confident about your retirement or handling your finances?

Contact Alex at [email protected]


With no further ado, Workout 1 is…


Trip the Light Revtastic   

10-minute AMRAP

10 KB Swings
10 Push Ups
10 Air Squats
Run to Grass & Back 2x

For those who can’t run, 4/8 cal Bike


Score = Rounds plus reps. There are a total of 34 Reps possible in each round.  

Each team member will complete the 10-minute AMRAP.  This workout will be run in 2 heats. One of your teammates will track your score for you.

See. Nothing to be scared of here folks.    

Movement standards will be upheld for those who are capable of achieving the usual CrossFit movement standards.  The weight standard for the kettlebell swing will be determined on-site per abilities of each athlete. We will scale and modify just like we do every day.  

If you workout at Progression, you are ready for Rev Olympics.  Get here.

Here are the registration details for those of you who have been holding out.  Contact me, Coach Beth at [email protected] with questions.  

Registration Information:

  • Cost is $40/person
  • Registration includes
    • Event T-shirt
    • 6 Training workouts written by Coach Beth specifically to help you prepare for the event
    • A great time at the event
    • Trophies for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams
    • Burgers made for you after the event


  • Registration Deadline is July 1st
  • Registration and Payment link HERE

Again, thank you to all of our sponsors.  You are making the best fitness party of the summer possible!