The WLC challenge finale will be held this Friday starting at 6 pm through 8 pm. There will be no classes at 4:30 pm, 5:30 pm or 6:30 pm. Make up for the WLC workout can be done this Thursday the 11th at 6:30 pm.

Fitness – Performance
A. Handstand walks, holds, push-ups practice – 15 Minutes
B1. Straight bar dips – 2 x 10
B2. Ring Rows – 2 x 10 (Feet elevated on a box)
B3. Stationary Weighted Lunges – 2 x25 (R/L)
B4. RDL – 2 x 12
500M Row
50 x Double-unders
400M Row
40 x Double-unders
300M Row
30 x Double-unders
200M Row
20 x Double-unders
100M Row
10 x Double-unders
A. 20 Min Recovery Row
B. Mobility
-Post results under comments
Fun stuff for A&B work. Leg burner WOD : 12:20
14:13 I think. First WOD doing all DU, wasn’t pretty but got it done.
2K row
60 GHD’s
9:33 struggled way too much with the double unders
11:09 – Fun wod du’s are coming along.