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Early registration August 1 – August 7
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Fitness – Performance
A. Take 15 Minutes to establish a 1 rep max Deadlift
B. Helen
3 Rounds AFAP
400M Run
21 x American Swings @ 1.5 pood/1 pood
12 x Pull-ups
A. 3 Sets NFT
5 x Bar Muscle-ups
10 x Pistols
B. Helen
3 Rounds AFAP
400M Run
21 x American Swings @ 1.5 pood/1 pood
12 x Pull-ups
-Post results under comments
A. Didn’t work for a 1 rep max (last week it was 215)…..
3 reps of 195 x 2
2 reps of 205 x 2
B. 11:26- no banded pull ups, except 6 in the middle of my last round, then I realized I was being lazy and could do no banded, so switched back to no bands….. I need to stop grabbing a band and just fight through them…..
#155 dead lift
10:17 blue thin band pull ups
A. 265# first time ever maxing a deadllift.
B. 12:52. Almost 30 sec faster then the last time in April. Plus used a thin green band. 1 pood KB. The running gets me every time!
1.) didn’t have a one rep max at the dead lift. Hit 335#, and probably could have kept going a little more.
2.) 11:43, runs felt great, and swings were unbroken for all three rounds.
A. 365, tried 375 but failed. New PR by at least 50#.
B. 13:52 rx! I even no report myself a couple times on the swings and pullups. more than 15 second PR, and last time I used green bands for pullups. Improvement.
That should read “no repped” not “no report”.
225 lb deadlift. That’s a 5 lb PR
A. 315# – never done a 1-rep max on deadlift, last 2-rep max was 225 so definitely a PR
B. Helen – 13:01 @1.5 pood, jumping pull-ups. Getting good at jumping pull-ups, just need to make the jump to kip
A. Messed with bar muscle ups for a little bit. Pistols didn’t feel great on the knees, so I skipped them.
B. Helen- 10:28 Rx. Think I could have gone a little faster. Juli said my pull-ups were slow. I should have been able to do the pull-ups unbroken.
Back squats sets of 3 up to 215, then started doing singles. Got up to 230 PR. They felt pretty good, I probably could have kept going, but Matt said to call it a day.
Deadlift 20lb pr at 245…really only the second or 3rd time I’ve done a really heavy deadlift Wanted to keep good form.
Helen rx 11:25. Felt i should have pushed harder…felt a little sluggish. Stayed after and did sprints with stuff in between to work on my endurance.
I may have overdone it yesterday…..
A. Deadlift – 10 lb PR @ 235
Should have taken more time to warm-up
B. Helen – 11:37 red band
Shaved 1:21 off my time that we did in April!
A. Deadlift PR – 200!!! So cool to achieve these big numbers even if it is only a deadlift. FUN!
B. Helen 12:35 rowed instead of run (protecting my knee for kettle bell swings).
Fun workout! Felt good.
Deadlift 405lb. Never done a max deadlift before so PR.
Helen – 9:55
A. worked up to a PR @ 265#, thanks for the extra push from Shawn and by that I mean grabbing more weight and just putting it on there and making me lift it! Felt really good usually these are not my favorite.
B. Helen- 13:56 (not a fan of the running, gets me everytime.) I am getting better at pull ups I will do anything to not use a band and just fight through it even if it means one at a time.
A. 335lb dead lift which is a PR since I didn’t have one before
B. Helen 12:33 – it felt good
155 deadlift
10:30 – shin splints switched out 400m run for 300m row
1 round pull ups with green band -first time trying., 2 rounds push ups
A. 145lbs deadlift. Taking it easy on the back. Practiced packing the core prior to bending down and using a neutral spinal position. Seemed to make a big difference in preventing back spasms and made the movement a lot more stable.
B. Helen – 12:00. Did situps instead of KB swings to rest the lower back. Went to the green band for pullups and was able to get almost all done before resorting to jumping pullups. Next time I think I’ll be able to do it with no jumping pullups. 🙂
A. Deadlift, 285lbs….10 pound PR!
B. Helen, 12:31….1/2 american swings 1/2 russian swings (1.5 pood). Other than that it was Rx.
Gotta work on my deadlift form….tough on my back.
A. MAX DL @ 285# (20#PR)
B. 10:44Rx (tied my PR which was from 2 years ago since I haven’t be able to run. Not so bad I guess for just getting back to running and still having a gimp leg).
60 GHD’s
A. 235#
B. maybe my least favorite movements kb and pull ups… 14:05… Thanks for the support everyone!
A. 205#
B. 13:18 (did Russian swings and ring rows)
Did hit 365# PR. I want to hit >400 lbs by end of whole life challenge.
10:15 time for Helen, Rx.