A.) Strict Pull-ups – 5×3
Pull-up progressions – Kipping pull-up progressions – 10 min
B.) 4 Rounds
200 M Run
8 sandbag or goblet squats
8 Pull-ups
Rest 1 Min
A.) Strict Pull-ups – 5×3
Pull-up progressions – Kipping pull-up progressions – 10 min
B.) 4 Rounds
200 M Run
8 Thrusters 95/65
8 Pull-ups
Rest 1 Min
A.) Strict C2B – 5×3
Muscle up practice or progressions –10 min
Work on stringing reps together, jumping to higher rings to start, etc.
B.) 4 Rounds
200 M Run
8 Thrusters 135/95
4 MU or 8 C2B + 8 dips
Rest 1 Min
C.) Before class if possible or after
6×3 Front squat with 3 sec pause on 1st rep
Add a little weight each of the first 4 sets until close to a max then decrease slightly for 5 and 6
A. Done
B. 14:15 Rx – once I can string more than a few kipping PU’s together I will be faster! 🙂
A. Strict Pull up and Chin Ups
Then worked on MU progression.. Jumping up from a box and catching myself in the dip position on the rings… shoulders pretty tired from yesterday’s handstand practice
B. 11:48 (I think)
7 Cals on AB (took between :56-1:03 to complete)
8 Thrusters @ 65lbs… First time squatting down in about 2 weeks so went lighter
8 Pull Ups
totally missed the Dip part of this on the board 🙁
Good workout!!! The AB is just ridiculous… My legs were jelly after this WOD.
Front squats 125-145-155-165-155-145
15+ on the WOD 200 m run, 8 thrusters @85, 6c2b w skinny blue band, 6 dips with red banded matador
MU progression and strict pull-ups after class
FS: 145-155-165-175-155-145
B. 16:55 Rx Tried to work on stringing MU together, but those thrusters took a lot out of me.
Skipped fs today…tweaked my knee a little yesterday and want it to calm down
Strict ctb
Mu practice -was able to do sets of 2-3. Progress!
Thrusters at 85
And 2 mu
A. Done (all pull-ups done w/out a band, a first for me)
B. 14:01 – using 65 lbs. for thrusters due to hamstring injury