150526 Tuesday


All Levels:

A.) Bench Press


– Heaviest sets of the past 8 weeks



B.) 4 rounds

5 min per round

500 m row

In remaining time do

30 sec plank

***negative splits on the rower.


B.) 4 rounds

5 min per round

500 m row

In remaining time do 45 sec plank

***negative splits on the rower,

first round smooth, second a little faster, third about 90-95%, last round all out***


B.) 4 rounds

5 min per round

500 m row

In remaining time do 1 min plank

***negative splits on the rower,

first round smooth, second a little faster, third about 90-95%, last round all out***

Results to BTWB.


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2 Responses
  1. Mark Michalski

    A. 185-185-205-205-210

    B. 1:51 – 1:45 – 1:43 – 1:41 – held 1 minute planks until the last round when my quads were cramping up 🙁