4 rounds
A1) Sprint to grass and back
A2) Dumbell Snatch x6 (3L/R)
*Rest 1 min.
DB should be heavy as possible.
Do not sacrifice form
B.) For time:
10 Ring Rows and 10 Push-ups
40 KB DL
10 Ring Rows and 10 Push-ups
30 Goblet Squats
10 Ring Rows and 10 Push-ups
20 KB Snatch (10L/10R)
10 Ring Rows and 10 Push-ups
10 KB Thrusters (5L/5R)
4 rounds
A1) Sprint to grass and back
A2) Dumbell Snatch x6 (3L/R)
*Rest 1 min.
DB should be heavy as possible.
Do not sacrifice form
B.) For time:
10 Pull-ups and 10 Dips
40 DL (135/95)
10 Pull-ups and 10 Dips
30 Front Squats (135/95)
10 Pull-ups and 10 Dips
20 OHS (135/95)
10 Pull-ups and 10 Dips
10 Thrusters (135/95)
4 rounds
A1) Sprint to grass and back
A2) Dumbell Snatch x6 (3L/R)
*Rest 1 min.
B.) For time:
7 Muscle Ups
40 DL (155/105)
7 Muscle Ups
30 Front Squats (155/105)
7 Muscle Ups
20 OHS (155/105)
7 Muscle Ups
10 Thrusters (155/105)
-Results to BTWB!