Nutrition and Fitness Coaching.
We just wanted to talk today about why we think that it is important to have a nutrition and fitness coach and how the coaches at Progression Fitness can help you get on track and stay on track with your goals.
Do more, longer.
So, a little story… In the past couple of years, a couple of the people that we started working with as new nurses passed away. They died relatively young, one passing away recently after having a stroke and one after having a heart attack. When we’ve talked with people at the gym recently, they mention that they struggle with staying on track with their weight loss goals, but going deeper, they bring up that they want to be around for their kids and grandkids and have the quality of life without having diabetes or having a stroke.
Get started, plan for the long term.
Combining these common themes and hearing about some of our old coworkers passing away led us to write this blog post. The Nutrition and Fitness coaches at Progression can help you not only get started with a new fitness and nutrition routine but can help you avoid the most common mistakes: Trying to do too much, too fast and giving up when you don’t see immediate results.
Accountability is key to long term success.
The coaches can really help you stay on track and stay accountable to reach your long term goals, and stay on track to live your best life that is free of chronic diseases. Bottom Line: The coaches truly care and want to see you be the healthiest version of yourself and all of us are here to help.

If you need that added accountability partner, we encourage you to schedule a free intro with any of the nutrition, fitness or personal training coaches using this link:
~~>Free intro.
Employees? Give them the greatest gift you can.
Also, if you are interested in corporate wellness opportunities, bringing nutrition and fitness coaching to your workplace to help create a healthy work environment, schedule a free intro with any of the coaches.
We are here to help!
Josh and Jen Grenell