Rows of Bells


Holiday Party is this Saturday @ CFP HQ starting at 4pm.  Bring a dish to pass around and any beverages you wish to drink. 

Posting results  If you are following the program at CrossFit Progression YOU SHOULD BE POSTING ALL YOUR RESULTS UNDER THE COMMENTS.  This is not only beneficial for you but for the community as well.  This allows me to see if the program is working, your feeback is important for better programming!  GET AT IT!

A.    HBBS (HIgh Bar Back Squat)  5-3-2-5-3-2 /3 min rest.  Increase each wave of 5-3-2 for ex.  1st set at 135-145-155, 2nd wave 145-155-165. 

B.    3 sets not for time: 

  • 30 Kettlebell swings /30 sec Rest
  • 15 Toes to bar /30 sec Rest
  • 30 Jumping lunges /2 minute Rest  

C.    If there’s time, (21-15-9) AFAP!

  • Wallballs 20lb/14lb
  • Jumping Pull-ups


1.    Max Thruster

2.    Jackie-1000m Row-50 thrusters 45lb/35lb-30 Pull-ups

-Post results under comments