Daily Announcements
- Saturday January 5th is bring a friend day at CFP. Bring a friend to any of the regular classes to try out a free workout!
- Competitors Prep class will be this Saturday at 12 pm – 1:30 pm. This class is open to all levels.
- CFP Boot Camp starts January 7th and meets weekly for 5 weeks on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday at 7:30 pm. This is a great way to start your New Years right with fun and effective workouts for all levels.
- The CFP PR challenge and Holiday Party is on January 19th. The PR challenge will start at 9 am – 12 pm and the Holiday Party starts at 7 pm and ends at 10 pm.
- CFP is proud to host the level 1 Pendlay Weight Lifting seminar by MuscledriverUSA on February 9th. Glenn Pendlay is one of the top Olympic Lifting Coaches in the US, coaching some of the top lifters in the country. This is a 1 day hands on seminar, the registration fee is 200 dollars. Limited to the first 30 participants, follow this Link to register.
- The Super Friends Throwdown is on February 23rd starting at 9 am. Teams of 4 battling it out through 5 plus events guarantees that this is going to be fun and crazy Throwdown. Limited to 12 teams, follow this link to register.

A. 3 Rounds NFT (Practice Pace)
1 Min x Alternating Pistols
1 Min x HSPU or HS Walk
1 Min x T2B or K2E
B. 20 Min EMOM
Even Minute:
> Sprint Down 10M
< Sprint Backwards 10M
> Shuffle on your left 10M
< Shuffle on your right 10M
Odd Minute:
10 – 15 x Burpees
-Post results under comments
Endurance WOD: Tabata rowing (8X 20 sec work/ 10 sec rest) farthest was 99m shortest was 87m
Good workout today, reaffirmed that burpees suck 🙂
First day back in about 2 weeks.
5k Row
OHS: 1rm @ 205. 10# PR! Missed 215.
This WOD was exactly what I needed today and burpees apparently don’t suck as much as they used to.
Snuck in between meetings to get some squats in. Skwats!
I did the wod it was good. Ashley says the same thing.
A. Still can’t do the HSPUs much
B. WOD: stuck with 10 burpees per round, good workout
A. Liked the timed skill work tonight
B. Made it all the way through doing 20 burpees/round- tough, but glad I did it. This one was harder than it looked on the board.
Still recovering from being sick, but felt good to be back at it.
I was happy to maintain 15 per round
Oly class…and hip felt good..
3 mile run
Oly night! Worked lighter weights on technique. Front squats felt good.