How is your Fitness Journey going? Could it be less bumpy? Here are some mistakes you may be making.

Mistake #1: Your form is crap, and you don’t even know it.

Poor movement will slow everything you do in life. Increased risk of injury is also your fitness buddy. Fix your form.

Mistake #2: Nutrition is not a priority

You need to take a look at what you are eating. You already know this. But I will just put it here again.

Mistake #3: Doing all the things!

Get Jacked tomorrow! 24-hour fitness plan! Does that appeal to you? If so you need a deep dive into what real health and fitness look like. Have you stuck to one program for 12 weeks? How about a year? Not sexy at all, but man the results are…

Mistake #4: Chilling in the sauna (Not really doing much of anything)

I was a member of the RAC once, too. I walked around, did some machines, Hot tub, Sauna, then shower. I was so fit. (Not really)

Mistake #5: Cardio King!

Cardio will not save you. I wrote about it here: Beachbody Can’t Save You.

If you want long term results, you need to do more than cardio. Sorry. But not really, because these things you need to do more of are fun, motivating and build you up.

Mistake #6: Not tracking progress.

Where have you come from? What were you like when you started? Are you still improving? Is what you are doing now still working like it did when you started? Your body adapts, if you are not challenging it, you will stop making progress.

Mistake #7: Not resting enough.

You are at your weakest after you workout. You need to recover to get the benefit of the time you spent in the gym. This means 6-9 hours of sleep and good nutrition.

Mistake #8: Ignoring aches and pains.

Are your knees telling you they have had enough of Burn Bootcamp? Are you listening? We are all different and our workout should be able to take those differences into account.

Listen to your body. And talk to your coach.

Mistake #9: Not being consistent.

Consistency King! Find something you enjoy doing or you will fall off the wagon. Running works for a while, but if you hate running, you won’t do it for long.

Any of these mistakes sound familiar? We are here to help. Come talk to us! https://cfpfit.com

Joshua J Grenell