A1. Back Squats – 4 x 5
A2. Pull-overs – 1 x 20
B. 4 Rounds AFAP
15 x Wallballs
15 x Pull-ups/Ring rows
15 x Push-ups
1 Min Rest after each round
A1. Back Squats – 2 x 5
A2. Pull-overs – 1 x 20
B. 4 Rounds AFAP
9 x Thrusters @ 95lb/65lb
15 x Pull-ups
21 x Push-ups
1 Min Rest after each round
A1. Back Squats – 4 x 10 @ 65%
A2. Strict Chest to Rings – 4 x 10
B. 4 Rounds AFAP
9 x Thrusters @ 115lb/85lb
15 x CTB Pull-ups
21 x Ring Dips
1 Min Rest after each round
Optional Accessory
5 Rounds NFT
20 x Pistols (alternating)
5 x Bar Muscle-ups
20′ Handstand walk
-Post results under comments
13:05 Perf. Pushups were murder.
Not overly excited with the time, but this was the first time in about 6 weeks where I’ve felt even the slightest bit of motivation. Super excited about that.
55# thrusters
Thin red band pull-ups
Wow, I need to work on efficiency in lifting moves!
Great challenge to have.
A1. 2 x 5 @ 225lbs
A2. Done
B. 10:10….sneaky one for sure
A1. 2X5 @ 225 lbs.
A2. Done.
B. 14:45 @ 95 lbs.
That was tough….shoulders are felling it.
A1. 2×5 @ 145
B. 14:36 @ 65lbs and red band pull ups; first night using red band 🙂
A1. BS 4×10 @ 125#
A2. 20 pull overs @ 35#
B. Susan did a you go I go with this WOD.
I completed 3 rounds in allotted time.
A: 185
B: 45
C: 15:26 Rx
A. 275
B. 11:23. Green band pull ups
B)15:28 holy muscle failure on dips
A1. 2 x 5 @ 105#
A2. Done 25#
B. 16:09
Took my first kettlebell class today~ was a nice change of pace.
Snatch 8 by 1 @. 80#
C&J. 8 by 1 @ 105#
Back sqart 5 by 4 105, 125, 135, 145
A : 205#, 225#
B : done w/ 45#
WOD : 13:00 Rx
A1. BS 4×10 @ 135#
A2. 3 sets of 5 chest to bar ring pull-ups
B. Staci and i did the wod with banded dips instead of ring dips for sport. 3 rounds was tough bit manageable….the 4th round i really ran out of air and my arms just cramped and wouldn’t work. Very supportive cheering however. Thanks guys !
Thanks to staci for counting for me….i totally lose track when i am tired !
Row 1000M
Back squats 2×5 at 95; 125
KB class
5x (5 DBL cleans, 5 DBL press, 5 DBL squat) w/45″ RI 25# KB
2x(5R snatch/5Lsnatch then 1-5 pull-up ladder with thin green band and green KB x last 2 pink)
run 25 minutes with 4×50 yd sprints at end
1×20 pull-overs 45# bar
250M WU
6x25M drill
10 x 50M kick with 15″ RI
3x200M Pull w/paddles w/30″ RI
100M EZ
4x25M on 1:00
100M CD
Was feeling a bit under the weather today. So,
2 mi run
tabata hallow rocks
tabata air squats
50 situps
I wanted to sweat it out without overdoing it. I think it worked.