A. Clean Progressions (Pos, 1,2,3)
B. 20 Min AMRAP
200M Run/Row
15 x Swings
20 x Mountain Climbers
A. 5 Min Skill AMRAP
3 x Muscle Cleans
3 x Hang Cleans (Pos 1)
3 x Hang Cleans (Pos 2)
3 x Cleans
B. Pause Cleans – 5 x 2 w/2 Min Rest
C. 20 Min AMRAP
200M Run
15 x American/Russian Swings @ 1.5 pood/1 pood
10 x K2E
A. 5 Min Skill AMRAP
3 x Muscle Cleans
3 x Hang Cleans (Pos 1)
3 x Hang Cleans (Pos 2)
3 x Cleans
B. Every 30 Seconds for 4 Mins
1 + Pause Clean + Hang Clean (Pos 2) + Push Jerk
C. Nate
20 Min AMRAP
2 x Muscle-ups
4 x HSPU
8 x American Swings @ 2 pood/1.5 pood
Optional Accessory
2K Row
300 x Double-unders
2K Row
-Post results under comments
7+run+15kb…good to run!
7 Rds….
44lb American Swings
Hands still tore up— very hard to hang on for K2E….
Loved getting outside to run!
8 rounds
A) 35,55
B) 85,85,85,105,105
C) 6+15
Worked on my kip…thanks Shawn
8 rounds + 200 m run
2k in 9:12
300 du 9:28 (with breaks)
2k in 9:33
Really love running outside, fun wod:)
A. 35#
B. 95#
C. 10
Loved this workout!
B) 225# 6/8 with 2 no pj
C) 11+9
B. @ 115 (hit all reps)
C. 12+1 (MU progression, 5 rds with Am. KBS, 7 rds with RKBS. Shoulders were really feeling it this workout).
first full sport wod day
A: done
B: 105 (wanted to save for wod, did all reps)
wod: 8+1 (no PR, same as what I did yr and half ago??) gotta work on MU’s.
Went running. One lap around jogging and then sprint 100 meters. 12 times. Walking lunges all the way around track. Shoulder stretching and bridges. Planks. 3 x1min….random cartwheels….resting for 13.5 on Friday.
A. Done
B. @135
C. 6 rds (PR)
A. Done
B. 45-95-95-125-125
C. 7 rounds – glad to get out and run