A1. Back Squat – 3 x 8
A2. Pull-overs – 1 x 20
Russian Swings
Wallballs x 2
A1. Back Squats – work up to a 4 rep squat
A2. Pull-overs – 1 x 20
Deadlift @ 225lb/135lb
Wallballs x 2 @ 20lb/10lb
A. EMOM – 10 Mins
Even – 2 x Rope Climbs
Odd – 5 x Push Jerks
Deadlifts @ 335lb/205lb
Box jumps @ 3oinch/24inch
Wallballs @ 25lb/16lb
Optional Accessory
-Post results under comments
A. 115#
A2. 35# done
C. 19:08 115# deadlift, 10# WB
A. 165#
B. 13:18. Went lighter on the deadlift to not push the back discomfort 105#. 12# WB.
I liked this workout a lot. Felt WORKED at the end.
A1: 205
A2: 45
B: 20 ish, @ fire station
A : Done 3×8 @135
B : Done @45
WOD : 18:19 Rx
A1. @225
A2. Done
B. 18:23
Big day…
Strength in the AM
Strict Press 3 x 10 @ 55lbs
Pull Overs 2 X 20 @ 35lbs
Back Squats 1 x 20 @ 105lbs
Incline Bench 3 x 10 @ 25lb Dumbbells
Bent Row 1 x 10 @ 55lb barbell, 2 x 10 R/L @ 35lb dumbbell
Stationary lunges 2 x 10 R/L with Blue KB in each hand
Walking Lunges 3 x 20 with Blue KB in each hand
100 Ab mat sit ups
4:30 Crossfit
A1. 4 @ 135lbs, 1 @ 165lbs
A2. DU Practice
B. 15:52
Deadlifts @ 135lbs
Wall Balls @ 12 lbs
A. Skill work: DUs, ring dips
B. 16:33 – Deadlifts @ 135, ring row, burpees
Good workout!
A. Even: 3 rope climb progression (still bothers leg to do rope climbs)
Odd: 5 x push jerks @ 105 ( probably should of gone heavier)
B. 5:18 Rx
70 Hollow Rocks
Oly Class
A. Finished up Strength
B. Performance-16:17
Kicked my butt…but felt great going all in!!!
CFP strength at 11
Oly class
Snatch 115 then went down to 105 to work better technique per advice from Nic. Tried to drop under it but right ankle is a little tweaked.. Not sure how that happened …so anyways they were more like power snatches.
C and j at 125- should have gone heavier i think. Max is 140.
Squats 155
175 lbs 2 sets of 4. Had problems with ankle mobility today. Was a. Little uncomfortable.
Emom 4 with rope climb and then i started whining like a baby cuz i didnt want my leg to look ugly. Then i started doing rope climb from floor and or ring rows or lunges to substitute the rope climb.
sport with step ups. 205 deadlifts and 16 # wb 8:19
WOD: 18:30 @ 135# and 14# WB
A. Worked up to 185# BS at 4 reps. Zero energy today and knees were aching.
A2. Done 45#
WOD. Got to round of 5 with 155# DL and 16# Wallball.
Bad workout. Had a physical in the am and fasted over night and did some bloodwork. Not sure if that was why or if it was an off day. Zero energy and light headed. Looking forward to another day.