Profiled Member: Michelle Melquist

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8 Responses
  1. Malachi Johnson

    A.) 5 x 2 @ #185. Tried a 5 lb pr max and missed. Felt close though
    B.) I think 13:04. I could be wrong about that. It was cold this morning!

  2. Jim

    A. 110
    B. 11:58 Rx’d run felt good, pushups went as expected, struggled, of course, with the cleans but not as much as I expected

  3. Staci Vinz

    Strength WOD
    A. Worked on snatch
    B. 5 rds:
    7 x PC @ 120
    7 x CTB
    7 x bar dips

    100 GHD Sit-ups

  4. Susan Kian

    1 muscle up every 30 seconds for 12 rounds. Made 10 out of 12 attempts.

    Performance :13:30 or something. I missed the 400m run on the 2nd round so i did it at the end. Classic.

    Handstand wall walks
    3 sets of 25 m- C