Monday 05132013


This is the last week of the 6 week general strength cycle.  We’ll be taking a full recovery week followed by a 6-9 week Olympic lifting/strength cycle.  

A.  STRENGTH (DAY 1/Week 6) 

Strict Press – 3 x 10 (Go to failure) 

Bench Press – 3 x 12 

Bentover Rows (Reverse Grip)– 2 x 15 

Straightbar Curls – 2 x 10 

Back Squats – 3 x 8  

Pull-overs – 1 x 20 

RDL – 1 x 15 

Pull-overs – 1 x 20 

Stationary weighted lunges – 3 x 30 (R/L) 

Banded Leg Curls – 1 x 100 

B.  CFP – Daily WOD/Programming 

-Post results under comments


3 Responses
  1. A. STRENGTH (DAY 1/Week 6)

    Strict Press – 3 x 10 (Go to failure)
    Bench Press – 3 x 12
    Bentover Rows (Reverse Grip)– 2 x 15
    Straightbar Curls – 2 x 10
    Back Squats – 3 x 8
    Pull-overs – 1 x 20
    RDL – 1 x 15
    Pull-overs – 1 x 20
    Stationary weighted lunges – 3 x 30 (R/L)
    Banded Leg Curls – 1 x 100
    Green band(Done)

  2. Sara Jech

    Strict Press 3×10- 55, 55, 60
    Bench Press 3×10- 60, 65, 70
    Bentover Row 2×10/side- 35lb dumbbell
    Back Squat 3×8- 125, 135, 135
    Pull Over 1×20- 40
    Deadlift 2×8- 135, 145
    Walking Lunges 3×30- 35KB/hand

  3. Staci Vinz

    Strict Press: 65-65-65
    Bench Press: 85-85-85(10)
    Bent over Rows Rev Grip: 75-75
    Straight bar Curls: 50-50
    Back squats: 145-145-145
    Pullovers: 40
    RDL: 175
    Pullovers: 45
    Stationary weighted lunges:20-20-20
    Banded leg curls: Done with thin green band