A. 3 Sets NFT
10 x Power Swings
10 x Hollow Rocks
10 x Ring Push-ups
B. 5 Sets
30 x Sec Max Effort Strict Pull-ups
30 x Sec Rest
30 x Sec Max Effort Row (Meters)
1 Min Rest
Performance – Sport
A. 3 x Power Clean Clusters
3-3-3 w/15 Sec Rest
2 Min Rest
B. 5 Sets
30 x Sec Max Effort Strict Pull-ups
30 x Sec Rest
30 x Sec Max Effort Row (Meters)
1 Min Rest
-Post results under comments
A. 155-155-175 Never underestimate the power of clusters (Shame on me).
B. 38 / 860m
A. 75#
B. worked on getting them strict with no band, or very minimal band -12 pullups, 676 m row
A. 125/130/135. I probably should have gone heavier but didn’t feel like I was warmed up enough.
B. 36 + 725. Not sure what was going on with the rowing. I felt winded each time. Stayed pretty consistent for rounds 2-5 though.
Shoulder mobility.
A. 65, 75, 75 – probably should have gone a little heavier but trying not to let my form suck…
B. 37 + 703 – pull-ups with green band
500 m recovery row
Active recovery stationary bike 45 min