A.) Deadlift – 3×3 @ 80%
B.) 21-15-9
DB or KB push press (45/35)
A.) Deadlift – 3×3 @ 80%
B.) 21-15-9
STO (95/65)
Bar over burpee
A.) Deadlift – 3×3 @ 80%
B.) 21-15-9
STO (155/105)
Bar facing burpees
C.) 5×3 OHS
Build to some heavy sets or max if feeling good
Use rack and play with grip width and stance width to find what works best.
–Results to comments!
A. 165#
B. Bruce Lee Rx 7:35
Felt a little “meh” today…work stress intruding on the rest of my life…
Dropped in at CF920 and some members training for Farmland Farmhand challenge.
1DL+1PC worked up to 145. I think that’s a PR PC!
1PS +OHS worked up to 100# PR PS
Then did a team rail tie carry for 1600 meters. At 100,200,400,800,1200,1400 had to do 20 synchronized air squats while holding the rail tie. 🙂
That WOD sounds kinda fun!!! 🙂
DL @ 210
Competitor WOD 8:49
10 min rest
Then some OHS 5×3
85, 95, 105, 115, 125
Looking forward to doing these as a strength portion of a WOD and not right after a bunch of 105 STO!
Dl at 205
Sport WOD done. Very sloppy. Just got through it. Still not feeling so hot.
A. 295-295-295
B. 5:39Rx
A. 135-185-225-255-255-255
B. 6:30 Rx
C. Glad we had a lot of time for stretching today