-Josey Meurer
I have been an athlete nearly all my life. Prior to joining CFP however, nutrition was never a priority. I always had the mindset that I worked my ass off, and as long as it was in moderation, I was going to eat/drink whatever I wanted. I had plenty of success as an athlete and thought I was healthy, fit, and 100%. After many years of “retirement” and finding crossfit, I realize now how wrong I was.
First, you cannot possibly out work a bad diet=fact. Second, I had gone through life having no idea that the current diet/lifestyle choice was practically being forced upon me because of my own ignorance and uneducated choices. With a world of reports, and articles, and studies, and books, and critics, my main question was “where the crap to I begin to understand this?!”
It breaks down to something quite simple,
Everything you consume is either going to help you or it’s going to hinder you.
Those are the only two possible options, that’s it. There is no middle ground, there isn’t a “maybe” or a “but”. Either it does, or it doesn’t, and the choice ultimately comes down to you and you alone.
If you’re like the a good majority of people and think that dieting or health food is incredibly boring and that life is too short to eat crappy food, I hear you! So do a lot of other people, Paleo Nick included! Which is exactly why he has launched the Paleo Nick seminars. Nick has a modern take on the paleo lifestyle and has revolutionized legit healthy eating and cooking. If you’re ready to take your functional fitness to a new level and apply FUNCTIONAL NUTRITION, this seminar is it! Not only will you walk away with a better grasp on your nutrition, but you’ll also leave with a weeks worth of amazing paleo meals ready made for you! Let me summarize, there is nothing to lose here! This seminar is a no risk investment in your health and future; a gift from you, to yourself and your community, to become better than the day before.
Monday 09172012
A. 7 x 3 – TNG Squat Cleans – Heaviest as possible w/90 Sec Rest
B. 12 Min AMRAP
10 x Burpee Box Jumps @ 24inch/20inch
50 x Double-unders
10 x T2B
C. 3 x 1 Min Plank Holds
-Post results under comments
WLC WOD: 9 rounds +4: 130
WOD: 4+10 rx. Clumsy on the T2Bs.
Mary 8+5 scaled
@ Crossfit Rebels Clearwater Fl
Worked up to 245# for clean work.
WOD: 4+2 (30 inch box)
BS: 7×3: 115-135-135-145-155-165-175
wod: 4 + 65 (leg raises subbed for T2B)
WOD- 2+67
WOD- 6+4 (subbed 20# sand ball slams for the DU for shin splints)
SC: 185lbs
WOD: 4+4 Rx
Worked up to 155# for Squat Cleans
WOD: 2+137.