SFH Strong NEW PRODUCT: SFH “Strong” From SFH – “STRONG is an anabolic activator that is designed to increase lean muscle mass and strength. The powerful combination of serum protein concentrate (SPC), creatine and glutamine synergize to produce strong muscle building conditions. This trio is a powerhouse that also supports gut health, restores and sustains energy levels, shuttles fat to the liver for fuel, has powerful antioxidant properties and facilitates higher absorption rates. Can be used alone or in combination with other sfh products.” What can you expect from the addition of SFH strong to your diet, and who should think about adding this to there diet? If you are someone who is looking to build lean muscle mass and strength, this product may be for you. Creatine is essential in the creation muscle energy (ATP) – ATP in muscle fibers helps with fast twitch muscle contractions. Think explosive movements...
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