
Friday Night Lights.  Noon is our last class today.  Friday night lights starts at 5:30pm  
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Trust us. We understand busy schedules. In fact, many of the members we have here at CrossFit Progression initially joined because they needed a more efficient workout that didn’t require them to be in the gym for hours at a time. That’s why we’ve put together this list of ways you can make your time at the box as productive and fulfilling as possible. HOW TO MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR TIME AT CROSSFIT PROGRESSION: SET A TRAINING SCHEDULE While you generally enjoy coming into the box, there are some days when maybe overtime at work, school papers, family issues and other nasty things can really get you in the mood to skip the WOD “just because.” A good way to deter the “just because” excuse is to get into the habit of coming in at the same time on the same days. Once you’ve created this habit, it becomes...
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