
The 2021 April Challenge is Air Squats! Get the PDF here: April Air Squats!
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We will have two challenges in March this year. One based on the open workouts and one for Pull-ups! Here they are! Open Challenge sheet! Pull-Up Challenge sheet!Talk to a coach for more info on the Open challenge.
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All of us have something we would like to do better, whether in our health, work, family life, or even sport. What should we do first? Getting bogged down with attempting to change a few things at once rarely works. The trick is to pick the one thing that will give you the most improvement in your life and work and focus on that one thing. In other words, pick the thing that you suck at the most. If you are not sure which one that is, ask these questions. What thing do I do that when I do it, I tell myself I shouldn’t? What habit has my significant other expressed concern over? What has my Doctor told me I need to do? Start with those questions. You should come up with something. Pick that something and focus all your energy on changing that one thing. Whatever that thing...
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Earned confidence. Earned confidence is a term I first heard explained by Jason Khalipa in his book. ‘As Many Reps as Possible“ We are told to be more confident a lot during our early years, at least I was. But no one ever stopped to go beyond that and tell us how to be gain confidence. Earned confidence is the way. You are going to not be good at anything you don’t know how to do. So you have to do it, fail, and keep doing it. Many people think that if they try something and fail at it, they are not good at it and give up. I am not sure where this comes from, but it is widespread today. “I guess I am just not good at this!” Possibly, but more likely, you need to keep at it to get good at it. Earned confidence is practicing something...
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Happy Valentine’s day! The history of Valentine’s day is fascinating and worth a read today. You can read about it here. There are many legends of St. Valentine. My favorite is that he married Christian soldiers who were forbidden to marry and ministered to the persecuted Christians in the Roman Empire. I am a fan of anyone who does what is right and protects the weak—allowing the importance of ceremonies to happen even when they are forbidden. Love is important. Without it, not much that we do matters. It gives meaning to everything. Share your love today with those around you. A day to think about the ones you care about can be more than a hallmark holiday. Happy Valentine’s Day!
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