
CALORIE IN, CALORIE OUT A widely debated question in nutrition is: Are all calories made the same? Is a calorie just a calorie?  Intuitively, you would think there is no way a calorie of steak or broccoli could be the same as a calorie of Skittles. There has to be a stark difference between a calorie of a nutrient-dense whole food and a calorie of a highly processed “food” product.  But when it comes to weight loss and weight gain, some people argue that it is all about “calorie in, calorie out.”  The truth? It’s a combination of factors. When talking about nutrition, there is always a bit of nuance.  LET’S TRY TO BREAK IT DOWN.  IS IT REALLY THAT SIMPLE?  Calories are a unit of energy that influences weight gain or loss, but hormones also play a significant role in hunger and eating behavior. A calorie of broccoli equals...
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MORE FOOD MIGHT BE THE ANSWER  If you have ever tried to lose weight in the past, you probably did so by trying to eat less.  You may have cut out some of your favorite foods or avoided entire food groups for some time. Maybe you’ve tried a paleo challenge or Whole30? Perhaps you’ve tried intermittent fasting to shorten your feeding window and eat less. Maybe you tried keto and said goodbye to carbs.  REGARDLESS OF WHAT YOU’VE TRIED, DIETING IS ALMOST ALWAYS FOCUSED ON RESTRICTION. BUT DOES IT ALWAYS HAVE TO BE THAT WAY FOR IT TO WORK?LET’S DIVE IN.  PROTEIN: THE EASY BUTTON FOR WEIGHT LOSS In terms of dieting, the typical approach is to eat less, but there’s one big exception: when you eat more protein, you tend to lose more weight.  IN FACT, ONE STUDY SHOWED THAT DOUBLING YOUR DAILY PROTEIN INTAKE RESULTED IN AN ADDITIONAL 11...
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“NEVER MISTAKE ACTIVITY FOR ACHIEVEMENT.” – JOHN WOODEN. There is a quote to think about this week.  In today’s hustle culture, so many of us get caught up in how much we are doing without thinking about how much progress we are making toward our goals.  Are you achieving, or are you just spinning your wheels with more and more activity?  When it comes to training and nutrition, the same question applies. Are you just packing your week with workouts and “bio hacks,” or are you being intentional with what will get you toward your goals?  STOP FOCUSING ON THE WRONG THING  Success is not measured by the quantity of work you do but by the quality of what you achieve. It’s easy to get caught up in the idea that more is always better, but the truth is that actual progress is made by focusing on what really matters. ...
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HOW TO NAVIGATE THE SUMMER MONTHS TO STAY ON TRACK Summer is here —a season traditionally known for vacations and cutting loose.  By now, people’s New Year’s resolutions are distant memories, and most nutrition and fitness goals are on the cusp of falling by the wayside.  The next few weeks are critical in deciding how 2023 will go. Will the beginning of summer mark the point when your progress this year comes to a halt, or will you intentionally approach the next few months with a plan to stay on track?  THE POWER OF CONSISTENCY  The summer and the holidays are the two times on the calendar when it can feel the toughest to stay on track.  The truth is, some seasons will be easier than others for you to stay disciplined regarding fitness and nutrition. But consistency is key to making progress and achieving your goals, which is very...
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People often ask if they can do CrossFit if they’re overweight.  The answer: Yes! Anyone can do Group Classes at Progression Fitness. Our coaches are experienced professionals. They are not cheerleaders. Our coaches use Progression principles to create the perfect workout for you. Each session will challenge you at the right level and move you closer to your goals. In a group setting, the workout for the class is modified to suit the needs of each participant. In “CrossFit language,” quickly modifying a general workout in a group session is called “scaling.”  For example, imagine a workout like this:  3 rounds of:20 barbell squatsRun 1 mile That’s tough! But what if we adjusted it for a beginner who wants to lose weight and hasn’t worked out much? It might look like this: 3 rounds of:5 body-weight squatsJog or walk 100 meters We’re experts at modifying workouts for clients. And we...
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