
Read on to get to know the amazing, strong, and beautiful Melissa Herrera! What do you do for a living? I’m a Dental Assistant at Gentling Dental. What’s your favorite thing to do outside of the gym? Visit breweries with my husband. What made you decide to try Progression? I needed a change.  The word of mouth was out about how awesome CFP was. How long have you been at Progression? 3 years. What was your experience with fitness like prior to Progression? I’ve run 4 marathons and started CrossFit 7 years ago. What was your biggest fear when you started? Being the last to finish. Favorite cheat day meal? The Taco Moreno Taco Truck. What goal(s) are you currently chasing? Losing weight. What’s the hardest part about your fitness journey at the moment? My Coach leaving. What’s one thing your fellow CFP’ers would be surprised to learn about you?...
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