
Nate has an amazing appreciation for Progression and may just remind you of a few things you’ve forgotten about over the past few years.  His account is a great reminder that community is key.  Read on to get to know Nate Borchardt! What do you do for a living? I’m a Nurse, right now I work in solid organ transplant. What’s your favorite thing to do outside of the gym? Anything outside.  I love to cross-country ski and snowboard in the winter and backpack or camp in the summer. What made you decide to try Progression? I visited the other CrossFit gyms in Rochester before I joined and the Coaching staff at Progression was by far the most approachable and welcoming.  I was also impressed at the number of classes offered every day and the variability of each workout is a great way to break the monotony of working out...
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I grew up in a small town. Very small. I shared a community of 300 people until the age of 14. Yes- 300 in the entire town. Growing up in that environment was difficult, especially for an overweight nerdy kid who tried way too hard to belong. My family was large and very supportive. I had a fantastic relationship with my great-grandparents. I was very close to my cousins and aunts and uncles. We grew up in Appalachian Pennsylvania. Right in the heart of Amish country, with a healthy mix of Mennonites and German Baptists thrown in. Why do I mention this? The FOOD! It was so good; and so plentiful. And so unhealthy. Fats (the bad kind) and sugar were prevalent, with a huge dose of a sedentary lifestyle. There are two ways to get out of, “escape” if you will, that type of community. One is college, the...
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