
Jessica is a spunky, super nerd that you’ll love getting to know.  And she’s a morning crew chick!  Enjoy… What do you do for a living? I am a fourth grade teacher at Bamber Valley Elementary. What’s your favorite thing to do outside of the gym? Work?  Because that is what I am usually doing!  Um, otherwise I love traveling, going to concerts, and adventuring.  Watching football, reading, and eating all the food are up there too. What made you decide to try Progression? Bradley James Russell.  When we were in the market for a new gym, Brad, Ryan, and I tried one out together.  When we came to Progression we were impressed by the professionalism and high standards set by the staff.  But it was a team decision by the three of us.  All in. How long have you been at CFP? A year and a half. What was...
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Monday, Sept 4th at 10AM Join Coaches Sara and Nicki for “Nukes”
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