
This chick has some serious wisdom to share about fitness, life, and being awesome in general.  Jesi Foster ladies and gentlemen… What do you do for a living? I’m the Assistant Supervisor in Neuroimmunology Lab at Mayo Clinic. But I’ve only been there for three days, so I’m still learning about what we do. What’s your favorite thing to do outside of the gym? I love competing in events with my two vizslas.  Vizslas are pointers from Hungary.  I show them in conformation, rally, obedience, agility, and lure coursing.  At the moment, I’m also starting one of my dogs in tracking and possibly barn hunt.  I’d also love to try dock diving with them but while they like to swim, jumping into the water is not their thing.  Besides sounding like my life has gone to the dogs, I also like hanging out with my friends and family.  I love...
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It is that time of year again! The Super bowl of our sport, the 2017 CrossFit Open! The Open is just over 4 weeks away. The first workout will be performed at Progression on Friday evening Feb. 24th at as a part of our Friday Night Lights series (FNL).   The following is a mini guide to preparing yourself for the best Open yet, or to help you make it through your first Open ever. Remember, this is not about making it to the CF Games, this is about picking a time of year to test our overall fitness, and to set a boatload of PR’s! One thing that can be guaranteed is that every workout will be a challenge. It will require the physical preparedness of a unicorn, and the mental fortitude of a shaolin monk riding that unicorn, to make it through all 5 weeks.   The Open...
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Progression is excited to announce our 3rd annual FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS! (FNL) FNL is Progression’s way of bringing the excitement and challenge of the CrossFit Open directly to our members. Through the once-weekly FNL events, Progression members will come together to not only test the limits of their own fitness, but to cheer their friends to success! FNL events are open to ANY Progression member. It is NOT required that you register for the CF Open to participate in FNL. The Open is CrossFit’s annual test of fitness. It’s a time to put your skills and training to the ultimate test…over 5 weeks, athletes from all over the world will complete 1 workout per week. Scores are entered and catalouged by gender and age. How will you stack up amongst your peers? How will you stack up to the YOU from one year ago?! Whether you officially register for the Open or choose to pass,...
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