CrossFit Progression,
The first thing we did when Shanna found out she got an interview at Mayo Clinic was look for a CrossFit gym. At that point, CrossFit Progression was the only gym in town and the only place I wanted to visit when we came to Rochester. We walked into a small orange gym that barely had enough room to hold a CrossFit class, but were welcomed with open arms. After making our way through the Bear Complex, Shanna and I left CFP excited about the possibility of living in Rochester. We would both have a great place to workout, and I would have friends that weren’t in class with Shanna all day.
Fast forward to the next fall, Shanna had been accepted to Mayo’s Physical Therapy school and Matt and Josh had offered me a job as a coach at CFP’s new location. Leaving my first CrossFit family wasn’t easy, but I knew that because of the strong community that comes with CF we would have a new group of friends as soon as we arrived. And I was right. Whether it was the classes that I worked out in, or the classes that I taught, I could tell that Matt and Josh had created the type of community that I was leaving behind in Montana.
Not only have Shanna and I gained another CrossFit family since coming to CFP, but we have also developed ourselves as coaches. I’m sure all of you who have been around since we came have seen our evolution. Learning to coach and learning how to do CrossFit are very similar. Before you can do the fancy stuff, you need to learn the foundations. I’ve tried things that haven’t worked, maybe done some warmups that were a little goofy, but I’ve always tried to make everyone better.
If I had one piece of advice to give it would be this: who cares what the score of some random workout on a Thursday is, the question is did you get better? If you are cheating the movements just to go fast, you do not understand what we are all about.
I would also like to give a big thank you to the early morning crew. You guys have been there through everything! In the beginning it was just Kristine “The Morning Queen,” Shanna, and myself. Since those days we’ve grown into a large tight-knit group of friends. Remember, the early bird catches the worm!
Thank you all so much, I am going to miss my CFP family!
-Alex Tubbs

5:30am Crew Only
A. Bear Complex
Fitness – Performance
A. 5 Sets at Practice Pace
30 x Double-unders or attempts (NO SINGLES)
10 x Kipping Pull-ups or Kipping Swings
21 – 15 – 9
Russian Swings
Ring Rows
30 – 20 – 10
Hollow Rocks
Banded Good Mornings
A. 5K Recovery Row
B. Mobility
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Well miss you alex & shanna!!
Oly lifting & worked on muscle ups after.
530am class with Alex…we will miss you
Felt good.. Fount quarts @135 and felt very good.
Got a few double unders
Worked on getting the kipping swing-thanks Matt for your coaching
Blue KB and ring rows
Blue band and modified hallow rocks
Had fun with the games at the 4:30 class
We will miss you Alex!
kb class and lifting